Photo credit: Mauricio Rodríguez
New Collaboration between SOCIETY Theatre Collective & Choreographer
(July 2024) Scott, in concert with member of SOCIETY Theatre Collective, have begun collaborating on a new work with choreographer Michelle Thompson Ulerich (, @michelle_thompson_ulerich). The project includes experimental sessions building short scenes between dancers, actors, and writers and the commission of 4 short plays for inclusion in a full-length dance performance. These experiments begin in the summer of 2024 for potential performance in the fall of 2025. |
Scott named Associate Chair of NYU|TISCH Graduate Acting Program
Starting in the fall of 2023 Scott will serve as Associate Chair of NYU's Graduate Acting Program, where he has been on faculty since 2010. His role will include a range of strategic planning, admissions, and season selection responsibilities in coordination with Chair, Carl Cofield. |
Scott named Visiting Professor at Princeton University
(Fall 2023) This fall Scott is co-teaching a course as part of the Princeton Atelier program at Princeton's Lewis Center. "The Princeton Atelier is a unique program that brings together professional artists from different disciplines to collaborate on new work." He is co-teaching a course with mime, Bill Bowers, and interactive digital artist, LaJuné McMillian. |
Scott teaches at NYU Florence Summer Program
(June 2023) Scott is teaching at the NYU Florence campus this summer as a part of of The Commedia Program at La Pietra. He'll work with the students on integrating in-ear verbatim work with his Physical Actioning techniques. |
The Clear Blue Skies: Diaries from Ukraine at NYU DC's Brademas Center
(May 2023) On Wednesday, May 3, 2023, New York University in DC and the Theater and Policy Salon will host a performance of "The Clear Blue Skies: Diaries from Ukraine” followed by a policy conversation about Ukrainian Children and the War in Ukraine featuring Michael Feldman (Founder, Theater and Policy Salon), Gillian Huebner (Executive Director, Collaborative on Global Children's Issues, Georgetown University), and Ambassador William B. Taylor (Vice President, Europe and Russia, U.S. Institute of Peace). This event will be held at New York University’s DC campus at 13th and L Street NW in downtown DC from 630pm to 830pm on Wednesday, May 3, 2023. RSVP here. |
Excerpts from THE CLEAR BLUE SKIES at Wesleyan University March 6, 2023
(March 2023) Scott and members of the workshop company will perform extended excerpts from the project, along with a discussion of the process of building the performance while the interview subjects remain in the midst of an active war.Co-sponsored by Wesleyan’s College of the Environment; Allbritton Center for the Study of Public Life; Anthropology Department; Center for the Arts; Dance Department; Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies Department; and Theater Department. Free and open to the public. Details at this page. |
THE CLEAR BLUE SKIES: Diaries from Ukraine hosts public reading.
(January 30, 2023) A website and trailer for the project was launched in coordination with a workshop and public reading. You can see more about the project and watch the trailer at this link. |
Diaries from Ukraine Featured at Under the Radar Symposium
(January 13, 2023) The Public Theater's annual Under the Radar Festival Symposium will feature a presentation and performance excerpts from Diaries from Ukraine. |
Scott featured on The Farm Theater's Bullpen Sessions Podcast
(December 15, 2022) This week's Bullpen Sessions Podcast is an interview with Scott. He speaks about the relationship between being and artist in and out of an institution and his current project, Diaries from Ukraine. |
Scott in Athens as Fall 2022 NYU Global Research Initiative Faculty Fellow
(September 2022) Scott is spending a month in Greece this semester as one of NYU's GRI Faculty Fellows. He's conducting research, developing a new play, and visiting a range of ancient theatrical venues as a part of his fellowship. Scott returns to the US in October to begin a series of workshops and residencies at universities throughout the US. |
Tickets on Sale for Beginning Days of True Jubilation by Mona Mansour
Scott directs this audacious satire about the meteoric rise and fall of a tech start up. Performances run until June 25th, 2022. |
SOCIETY Theatre Collective Announces Two World Premieres in Rep
Society Theatre Collective, of which Scott is a co-founder, announced they will produce two world premiere production in repertory at New Ohio Theatre in June 2022. |
Interview with Scott at Performing Arts Feldenkrais Summit
Scott is interviewed as a part of the fall Feldenkrais summit on movement and the performing arts. He speaks about working with high performing artists and integrating the ideas and tools of the Feldenkrais Method into his work on Physical Actioning. |
Exercises for Embodied Actors available in Kindle and other digital formats
Scott's book, Exercises for Embodied Actors: Tools for Physical Actioning is available in Kindle and other digital formats in both US and globally. You can learn more at Amazon or via Routledge, the publisher. |
SOCIETY Theatre's Inaugural Production at The New OHIO's Ice Factory 2020
SOCIETY, the NYC based theatre company co-founded by Scott, premieres their first production, Beginning Days of True Jubilation by Mona Mansour, as a part of The New OHIO's Ice Factory Festival 2020. The show runs July 24-26, 2020. Tickets are a $10 donation and available via the links above. |
Scott's Book Now Available at All Booksellers
Exercises for Embodied Actors: Tools for Physical Actioning is now available in paperback and digital form. Order it from Routledge, Amazon, or your independent bookstore. It is a comprehensive workbook for actors and teachers alike including over 50 innovative exercises. It leads actors through a step-by step examination of their own habits, links those discoveries to creating characters, preparing auditions, and offers dozens of exercises to explore in classrooms and with ensembles. |
Scott Illingworth and Mona Mansour launch new theatre company, SOCIETY.
A new NYC-based theatre company, co-led by playwright Mona Mansour and director Scott Illingworth, will create new work using a method of rigorous research, improvisation, and discussion. Roughly modeled after London's Joint Stock Company, Society will see ensemble members act as active dramaturgs, generating material for a playwright via interviews, recordings, physical explorations, and open conversation. Read more on |
Scott's book Exercises for Embodied Actors: Tools for Physical Actioning is available for pre-order.
It is a comprehensive workbook for actors and teachers alike including over 50 innovative exercises. It leads actors through a step-by step examination of their own habits, links those discoveries to creating characters, preparing auditions, and offers dozens of exercises to explore in classrooms and with ensembles. Get it now on Amazon or in stores beginning March 20th, 2020. |

Fulbright Grant
Scott received a 2019 Fulbright Specialist Grant to travel to Kyiv, Ukraine. He will work with Theatre on Pechersk on a new adaptation of George Orwell's Animal Farm as well as offer workshops and lectures to the Ukrainian theatrical community.
Scott received a 2019 Fulbright Specialist Grant to travel to Kyiv, Ukraine. He will work with Theatre on Pechersk on a new adaptation of George Orwell's Animal Farm as well as offer workshops and lectures to the Ukrainian theatrical community.